Warehouse Addresses:
When filling in the shipping information on the retailers website, please ensure you state the generated reference number from the Shop page. We cannot be held responsible for any delays due to missing reference numbers on shipping labels.
Air freight receiving address: Unit 8, Chancerygate Business Centre, Stonefield Way, HA4 0JA
Opening times: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm
Sea freight receiving address: 27 River Road, Barking, IG11 0DA
Opening times: Mon – Thurs 9am – 5pm Fri 9am – 4.30pm
Once your items have been received by us and repackaged, they will be shipped.
Estimated arrival time including clearance of goods for air freight is 7 days and sea freight is 2-3 weeks.
Consolidated shipments;
- Each item can be shipped out indiviually as they arrive.
OR - We will wait for all orders to arrive and consolidate them into one shipment for a lower price.
We can provide door to door service for an additional charge, this will need to be stated on your form or when you contact us.
You will be regularly updated with the progress of your orders.
Sailing schedule: